PRP – Face


Experience facial rejuvenation with PRP: an innovative technique harnessing your own platelets to promote cell regeneration. With microneedling and PRP injections, achieve firmer, radiant, and youthful skin.

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Experience facial rejuvenation with PRP: an innovative technique harnessing your own platelets to promote cell regeneration. With microneedling and PRP injections, achieve firmer, radiant, and youthful skin.

  • 1 SESSION: $200
  • Package Deal x4 sessions: $750
  • 1 SESSION: $250 (Microneedling/injection of PRP included)
  • Package Deal x3 sessions: $550 (Microneedling/injection of PRP included)

1 Session (microneedling/injection of PRP included), Package Deal x 3 Sessions (microneedling/injection of PRP included), 1 Session, Package of 4